Neglected blog...
Sorry...probably won't get much better soon...I am...
-sewing and getting ready for a craft fair the 1st weekend in Dec...same weekend as my son's b-day and i crazy? yeah kinda...but my sweet friend Lori is selling for me so I am not going to the craft fair...
-birthday shopping for C's 3rd birthday/cleaning the presents off the guest room for company to sleep in there
-Christmas shopping
-driving back and forth, back and forth, back and forth to the reproductive specialist in Atlanta as we are trying to have another one of these...

You know because infertility is so fun with the drugs that make you crabby and the blood work and ultrasounds...And then it was so fun being in labor from 30 weeks on...with real contractions not the fake ones they talk about in birthing class...literally I sat in birthing class and said "is it ok if...breath breath breath they are like 10 minutes apart this early?" know go to the hospital the day after my baby shower....go home...go to the hospital...stay a few days...go home...go to the hospital...get put on bed rest...go to the hospital...have a premature baby...that can barely breathe on his on for the 1st 30 plus minutes of his life...hey whatever it takes right! It was ALL worth it...and so we try again...Pray for me as we truly try and have another Miracle Baby.