Sewing Sewing Sewing...yes I've made another quilt that I love...and i hope it is loved...before takes 5 hours to make one...I've clocked 2 now. And it has been my mom...for her birthday. i love the colors together. pink yellow and blue
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Mom's Birthday Quilt
Sewing Sewing Sewing...yes I've made another quilt that I love...and i hope it is loved...before takes 5 hours to make one...I've clocked 2 now. And it has been my mom...for her birthday. i love the colors together. pink yellow and blue
Saturday, November 29, 2008
One Word
Where is your mobile phone? counter
Where is your significant other? couch
Your hair colour? blonde
Your mother? funny
Your father? smart
Your favourite thing? color
Your dream last night? wreck
Your dream goal? good
The room you're in? office
Your hobby? creating
Your fear? snakes
Where do you want to be in 6 years? mommy
Where were you last night? date
What you're not? fat
One of your wish-list items? lamp
Where you grew up? GA
The last thing you did? won
What are you wearing? jeans
Your TV? off
Your pets? Boston
Your computer? silver
Your mood? happy
Missing someone? no
Your car? Lexus
Something you're not wearing? socks
Favourite shop? Etsy
Your summer? perfect
Love someone? Jake
Your favourite colour? turquoise
When is the last time you laughed? C.J.
When is the last time you cried? Monday
Where is your significant other? couch
Your hair colour? blonde
Your mother? funny
Your father? smart
Your favourite thing? color
Your dream last night? wreck
Your dream goal? good
The room you're in? office
Your hobby? creating
Your fear? snakes
Where do you want to be in 6 years? mommy
Where were you last night? date
What you're not? fat
One of your wish-list items? lamp
Where you grew up? GA
The last thing you did? won
What are you wearing? jeans
Your TV? off
Your pets? Boston
Your computer? silver
Your mood? happy
Missing someone? no
Your car? Lexus
Something you're not wearing? socks
Favourite shop? Etsy
Your summer? perfect
Love someone? Jake
Your favourite colour? turquoise
When is the last time you laughed? C.J.
When is the last time you cried? Monday
Deeper Thought
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
The Last Tailgate 2008
dear Georgia Tech,
i had a fun fall tailgating. i like popcorn and seeing Buzz. i like to say "GO Jacks" and cheer for the Georgia Tech football team. i like to see UGA stickers, clothing, etc and say "yuck-yuck". Playing with my friends Luke and Cade outside is fun and we like the cheerleaders. i can't wait until next fall so we can tailgate again.
i love you Buzz.
Ps maybe i can come see you at a basketball game this winter!
Monday, November 24, 2008
The Pink Pig 2008
We ventured to Atlanta for dinner and fun with the Reardens on Saturday night. After shrimp and grits at Rock Bottom Brewery...well I had shrimp and grits...some of the best in the ATL...the boys rode the famous Pink Pig at Lenox Mall. They liked it. It is cute and there was NO line! Followed by Double Doozies from the Great American Cookie Company (who's founder Michael Coles is a graduate of Kennesaw State University Business School as I did too but have yet to make such a delicious contribution to the USA). Good times. Oh and to the 3 little boys all dressed alike in matching pajama like outfits who arrived after the Pink Pig closed to ride...did you cry because you didn't get to ride or because your mom made you wear those outfits out in public?
Still Sewing
So I ran up to check my email...all is well and good and quiet...too quiet...SURPRISE...C.J. kleenexed my living room! So fun having a boy...this is only his 4th box to go through since the summer. SMILE. And yes who'd think to stuff them in the wood blinds...perhaps they insulate? (Click on picture for larger image of tissues)
Saturday, November 22, 2008
I am sewing
I am sewing and C.J. is campaigning. Waving and saying "Hi" to everyone and everything. Cupcakes, cupcakes, cupcakes and Christmas trees in trucks shirts! ! !
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
State Onesies and Shirts
I am thinking the states will available on onesies and shirts too...I did a custom order for a onesie already. I think these would be cute on a little kid on the right hand side of the shirt...on a polo shirt.
Aunt Cassie's House
We spent a few days at Aunt Cassie's house...thus the blogless days. C.J. found an old remote to play with and sleep with...he is such a little man.
Flower Pin Collages
More stocking stuffers...and these too will be in the shop soon. All will have a matching fabric button attached. Like it? Where would you put it? On your bag, on your sweater, on your coat, on your sun visor in your car? If you are a family member or close might as well tell me what color scheme you want ;)
Craft Ideas
These are a few of my latest stocking stuffers...They are going to be pins or brooches...attach to your favorite wool coat, sweater, bag, or sun visor in your car...just a cute perk of sunshine! Once I have all of my stocking stuffers made I'll make some to sell in the shop. Other states are available...just ask and I'll see if I have it. If you are a family member or close might as well tell me what state you want ;)
Craft Ideas
Monday, November 17, 2008
Do you HEART my shop?

Just a reminder...because I am at 42 hearts...My 50th ETSY heart wins a free shirt under $20.00! If you don't know what this should play on ETSY more! If you really don't get it...ask me in a comment. Come on set up an Etsy the real economy (...not Target and the mall stores).
Out of Reach?
Where am I? Just visiting. I should be back in the swing of sewing tomorrow. I can't wait because I have lots to sew and lots to post.
Ps Jake is fine...everything went great with the procedure...but the anesthesiologist recommended he see a cardiologist soon.
Ps Jake is fine...everything went great with the procedure...but the anesthesiologist recommended he see a cardiologist soon.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
My Mom's Been Sewing

My Mom has been in the sewing mood lately...she has made 5 cute dresses to sell in my shop all size 1 (one red with snowflake buttons, 2 blue with snowmen, 2 brown and pink). Once I receive them they'll be RE-photographed and listed in the store! Thank you Mom! ! !
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Win a Shirt
Frugal Mommy of 2 Girls is currently hosting a GIVEAWAY to my store! Check it out...winner is picked by her through number selector. Simply click on her logo above and jump to her site.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Christmas Tree Shirts
Here are the Christmas tree traditional and one Mod black & white. These are obviously not ironed and sewn on. But they'll be available in the shop in a few minutes.
Sippy Cup Inserts
Today I went shopping and worked on C.J.'s birthday and Christmas presents/stocking stuffers? His birthday is in December so...I'll get his box of presents (stuff I've been buying on sale for the past year) and divy it up between the 2 holidays soon. I LOVE LOVE LOVE these Playtex Design Your Own Cups. He has 3 regular cups. A few weeks ago Kroger had the straw kind on sale for $3.00! ! ! so I bought 3 (after he receives these...all other cups we have are going into the baby storage closet for the next munchkin that comes along). Today I made the personalized inserts. I always use a cup with his name on it if we are leaving the house. They are super simple to some heat bond...scrap fabric...cut and iron...TA DA! Oh and cute little socks...from the dollar store...those are stocking stuffers too. I like the stripie ones best. $9.00 for 3 cute cups...$3.00 for 9 pair of cute socks...$12.00 for great useful stocking stuffers! Now I'm off to work on Christmas tree shirts...
Craft Ideas
Upcycled Heart Vest
How did the Upcycled Heart Sweater Vest turn out?...I like it...It is much cuter on than not...I wore it to bible study yesterday. It is hard to take pics of yourself...this is my 1st attempt...notice my helpers reflection is in the mirror too. And yes our half bath does have polka dot walls.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Sopapilla Cheesecake
What did I make today...or take today? Let's just say the ladies in my bible study...LOVED IT! Super easy and yummy! (Photo is cheesecake was all gone before I decided I might need a picture...that is the best compliment)
Sopapilla Cheesecake Recipe
2 cans of crescent rolls
1 1/2 cups sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 teaspoon cinnamon
2 (8 oz.) packages cream cheese, softened
1 stick butter
Preheat oven to 350F. Press 1 can of crescent rolls into bottom of 9 X 13 inch pan. Mix cream cheese, 1 cup sugar and vanilla until creamy. Spread over rolls in pan. Cover with other can of rolls. Melt butter and stir in rest of sugar and cinnamon. Pour over top. Bake for 30 minutes. Can be served warm in dish or room temperature cut into bars.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
I'm a Featured Mom!
I am a featured shop in the Moms Unite Shopping Guide.She is suppose to be sending me the button to make it easy to shop from. Check it out:
I am also featured in the Mom-preneuer Shop-A-Thon...see cute Christmas link to the right click on shop is in the category Children.
I am also featured in the Mom-preneuer Shop-A-Thon...see cute Christmas link to the right click on shop is in the category Children.
Sonshine Shirt
After I made the 3 Crosses Shirts...I decided to make a Sonshine shirt. A Christmas color and a regular color...too. They are available in the shop.
Christmas Crosses Shirts
I was ask to come up with a stacked crosses shirt...I didn't stack them...instead I made a 3 Crosses Shirt. Christmas colors and everyday colors. Like it? (Once again samples are made on vintage I don't waste my inventory of shirts) They are available in the shop.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Upcycling Sweaters
Yesterday I made 2 turkey smocks, mailed 4 Etsy packages, and went shopping. Today, since I am caught up on Etsy sales, I decided to upcycle a few of my sweaters that I do not love…in hopes that I will love them…or at least like them enough to wear them...if not then they'll go to the thrift store.
1-This dark brown sweater has always been too short…I am on the slightly taller end of life at 5feet 7 inches. It came with this scarf…so I decided to make the scarf…part of the sweater…and now it is long enough and has kind of a cool side opening at the bottom. It shall be worn with a white button up shirt and jeans.
2-V-necks are not the best with my face shape…but I wore this one when I was preggie. I took the remaining scarf and edged where I cut the sleeves off and cut out a few hearts and sewed them on. I think I’ll like this now also over a white button up shirt and jeans. I have always liked sweater vests anyway.
Craft Ideas
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