i had a wild hair today...why not try to a free motion stitch on one of my quilts in progress. i found my sewing machine book, changed the foot, grabbed a few scraps and practiced for a minute...it didn't look so bad...so...i grabbed THE LOUD QUILT...which i lined with a soft (as soft as C.J.'s "soft" Pat Pats) white table cloth given to me by my mother...who loves table clothes and passes them on to my sister and me when she runs out of room...she finds them at thrift stores or yard sales etc. (i can't use a table cloth unless i want it and everything on the table pulled to the floor by my little ba-boo...so i just prevent a mess by not using one) so i upcycled! yeah! i took something not in use...and put it to use...and didn't have to go buy liner fabric! this free motioning...takes FOR-EVER...but it will be worth it.
whatelse have i done lately...oh i started reading The Shack by William P. Young yesterday...i finished chapter 2. i added the "email me" button on the side of the page to the right...yeah! all by myself (it was not so easy for a non-techno geek to figure out...so go ahead give it a shot). my hubbie gave me my b-day presents...which included a Hello Kitty watch and Hello Kitty pj pants (oh yeah when you turn 30 you can still wear Hello Kitty-rock on). and we went out for sushi last night...C.J. said "want some su-shi. need some su-shi" and he ate 4 pieces (and then fried rice and chicken and veggies and orange AND THEN cookies when we got home). i love it that my 2 year old loves sushi! and i went to the dr. today for more bloodwork and a clomid refill. Is anybody else taking this stuff?...agh...i think it makes PMS look like a bright sunny day.
That's too funny about meeting online. It's not so abnormal anymore but 11 years ago, for sure. Thanks for visiting and entering. I absolutley loved the movie. I didn't fall asleep, glad to see I'm not the only one who falls asleep during movies. :) (I read that on your profile)
I am in love with this fabric! Can not wait to see the final results!
so beautifully quilted!!!
I'm enjoying reading your blog. I haven't tried the free motion yet, but I can't wait.
Also, just finished The Shack.
Love your loud quilt. I love loud.
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