Sunday, March 22, 2009

Kate was Kate

I'll keep it short and sweet about seeing Kate Gosselin on Friday night. Kate was SO Kate. She came out with a quick wave like she was embarrassed to be there...she spoke about the 6 segments in her book Multiple Blessings (which I have not read). At the end she cried because she had not seen the kids in a few days....answered a few questions...and said thats it did a quick wave and walked out. She said they do public speaking engagements because TLC edits out pretty much all of their FAITH...and God ask her if she would be open to this. She obviously told him yes. She made cracks on herself...about being a planner, OCD, etc. She is thinner...the tv does add 10 pounds...but she has also been working out every morning. She did not make reference to rumors of her and Jon "not being in a good place" seen on the commercials for an upcoming show. She did say it had become too taxing for both her and Jon to be gone at the same time...on the speaking and book tour.

God love her...I think they are trying to do what they can to provide for their kids...yeah they are on tv...and yeah it will help pay for tuition for preschool through college. I don't knock her.

We girls who went...leaving our boys at home on a play date...enjoyed Krispy Kreme donuts (4,5,6 a piece!!!) for dinner prior to the event! Rock on! We never do that! We had a GREAT time.

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