Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Big Boy Room Remix Part 1

While the spray paint is drying I'll show you what we started on Saturday...

C.J. and Jake working...well Jake working and C.J. pretending to help.

Toddler bed down...full bed in!!! (I haven't pick out a new quilt/bedding yet.)

Seeing where I want everything...

Cute things going up here!!! Just wait...

Going to paint these shelves red...
This arrangement is going over his headboard. I'm going to hang the spaceship and make him a planet "Chupiter" to hang in the corner over his bed.

I hoisted the 40 pound dinosaur tv up there by myself...no cable for this tot...tv is just for the DVD player...

Stay tuned...


Brittany said...

i think the full bed looks great in there. doesn't look like it takes up to much room!

Ruth said...

you are so organised planning things out with paper like that! i would probably just knock nails straight into the wall then regret it... ooops. what a cute family you have! thanks for saying hi on my blog :)