Saturday, June 13, 2009

Do you see what I see?

From seeds...yep these veggies all started from seeds I planted. Usually I buy my plants at Home Depot 5 inches excited (like it is hard to grow seeds...I will say the free tomato seeds from Campbells did not grow at all...didn't even sprout and I planted them the same day same soil as these cherry tomatoes really!)! Finally this week the tomatoes have blooms and I spotted a few cute tiny little cucumbers! Oh and Miracle Grow Soil...want to see the difference it picture look at pot #1...were transplanted the same day as the monsters in pot #5. Pot #1 is last years old soil...and shows.

1 comment:

Beki - TheRustedChain said...

Yay!! It's so rewarding to grow something, isn't it?